The 18 stories collected in Immigrant Voices highlight the complex relationships of immigrants in the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century with their families, friends, new surroundings, and home countries. The authors themselves have made many of the same kinds of transitions as the characters they portray, and they offer fresh perspectives on the immigrant experience. Coedited by award-winning author Achy Obejas and cultural studies scholar Megan Bayles, this anthology addresses the perennial questions about society and the individual that the authors of the great books have pondered for centuries.
- Letting Go to America
- Absence
- Mother the Big
- The Bees, Part 1
- Grandmother’s Garden
- Otravida, Otravez
- Wal-Mart Has Plantains
- Fischer vs. Spassky
- The Stations of the Sun
- Echo
- No Subject
- The Science of Flight
- Hot-Air Balloons
- Home Safe
- SJU–ATL–DTW (San Juan–Atlanta–Detroit)
- Diógenes
- Bamboo
- Encrucijada