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JGB Inspire Series 4 Print and Digital Classroom Bundle

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IGBCB-4-PDE | Print and JGB Digital Classroom: Bundle for one teacher and 30 students | NOTE: Digital books cannot be printed.
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Print and Digital Bundle
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Use coupon code JGB-INSP to save 15% when you place your pre-order by June 30, 2025. Purchases will be available in August 2025 for delivery.
Junior Great Books Inspire Series 4 Print and Digital Classroom Bundle

JGB Inspire Series 4 Print and Digital Classroom Bundle

Our classroom bundles include everything you need to successfully use Junior Great Books® Inspire and Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry in your classroom—teacher materials, student materials for 30 students, and online training to prepare you to begin using the Great Books Foundation's Shared Inquiry™ method of learning.

Junior Great Books Inspire Series 4 features all new selections and develops students’ reading comprehension, fluency, critical thinking, speaking and listening, and writing skills using the Shared Inquiry method of learning. All learners are welcomed into inquiry-based exploration of outstanding texts by diverse authors from around the world.

Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry 4 features nine thought-provoking nonfiction texts that yield rich questions.

Each classroom bundle includes print and digital materials for one teacher and 30 students:

  • JGB Inspire Series 4 Teacher Materials, including one Teacher’s Edition, one Student Edition, and one Reader’s Journal
  • One Nonfiction Inquiry 4 Teacher’s Guide
  • 30 Junior Great Books Inspire Series 4 Student Bundles, each of which includes one Student Book and one Reader’s Journal
  • One Shared Inquiry Essentials online training course


  • The digital products in this bundle come with a one-year subscription.
  • Purchasers will be emailed a coupon code to register for a Shared Inquiry Essentials on-demand or online training course in our store, valid within a year of purchase.

Junior Great Books Inspire


The Red Canoe
Anne Yvonne Gilbert
The Singing Chair
Deborah Ellis
The Good Deed
Marion Dane Bauer
The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed
Retold by Elisa Oh
Me, All Alone, at the End of the World
M. T. Anderson
Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push
Walter Dean Myers
The Chicken that Crossed the Road
Gary Soto
The Promise
Nicola Davies


Breaking the Waves: Winslow Homer Paints the Sea
Robert Burleigh
Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace
Jen Cullerton Johnson


The Child
J. Patrick Lewis
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
William Butler Yeats
The Lost Unicycle
Clarence Coo

Nonfiction Inquiry 4


Economics: Wants vs. Needs
Air Jordans: Demanding the Brand
Life Science: Animal Intelligence
Crows: Friend or Foe?
STEM: Engineering to Solve a Problem
Young Inventors Making the Future Brighter
Social Studies: The Oral Tradition
The Life and Legend of Johnny Appleseed
American History: Westward Expansion
Zitkala-Sa at Boarding School
Social Studies: Social Responsibility
"We Show Up for Each Other"
Social Studies: Justice and Fairness
Peer Solutions: Better Than Punishment?
Physical Science: Weather and Climate
Leave It to Beavers?
Social Studies: Personal Growth and Identity
Bystanders Who Stand Together