New grade-level teacher bundles include everything teachers need to successfully implement Junior Great Books® Inspire and Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry in their classrooms:
- One Teacher's Edition, one Student Edition, and one Reader’s Journal for Junior Great Books Series 4 Inspire
- Teacher's Guide for Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry 4
- License to access all Series 4 Inspire materials through Junior Great Books Digital Classroom
- Introductory professional development that prepares you to implement Junior Great Books. Choose from:
- Shared Inquiry Essentials On-Demand (fully asynchronous)
- Shared Inquiry Essentials Online Training (six hours live online with four hours of online asynchronous modules)
- The digital products in this bundle come with a one-year subscription.
- Purchasers will be emailed a coupon code to register for a Shared Inquiry Essentials online training course in our store, valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Junior Great Books Inspire
- The Red Canoe
- The Singing Chair
- The Good Deed
- The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed
- Me, All Alone, at the End of the World
- Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push
- The Chicken that Crossed the Road
- The Promise
- Breaking the Waves: Winslow Homer Paints the Sea
- Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace
- The Child
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree
- The Lost Unicycle
Nonfiction Inquiry 4
- Economics: Wants vs. Needs
- Life Science: Animal Intelligence
- STEM: Engineering to Solve a Problem
- Social Studies: The Oral Tradition
- American History: Westward Expansion
- Social Studies: Social Responsibility
- Social Studies: Justice and Fairness
- Physical Science: Weather and Climate
- Social Studies: Personal Growth and Identity