Conversaciones 3 is an engaging dual language program comprised of compelling age-appropriate stories and activities designed to support lively classroom discussions. Ideal for dual language, bilingual, and immersion classrooms, Conversaciones 3 will get Spanish-speaking students thinking, talking, and writing about great literature, while developing their critical thinking, comprehension, and oral communication skills. The 10 stories in Conversaciones 3 reflect a range of Spanish-speaking cultures and works from other cultures around the world translated into Spanish.
- Carlos y la milpa de maíz (Carlos and the Cornfield)
- Ooka y el ladrón honrado (Ooka and the Honest Thief)
- La tejedora de sueños (The Dream Weaver)
- El monstruo que se volvió pequeño (The Monster Who Grew Small)
- El niño de cabeza (The Upside-Down Boy)
- Maese gato (The Master Cat)
- Los cazadores invisibles (The Invisible Hunters)
- El león de Elena (Ellen's Lion)
- El robo de las aes (The Theft of the A's)
- La hija de la nieve (The Little Daughter of the Snow)