Shared Inquiry Essentials On-Demand (#8361474930) $400.00 Shared Inquiry Learning Center Grades K–8 Designed for teachers, this asynchronous course prepares you to begin using the Great Books Foundation's Shared Inquiry™ method of learning through reading and discussion with students at all levels. Participants will learn questioning strategies... Designed for teachers, this asynchronous course prepares you to begin using the Great Books Foundation's Shared Inquiry™ method of learning through reading and discussion with students at all levels. Register
Power of Student Questions: A Closer Look at Sharing Questions On-Demand Course (#9083949071) $150.00 Shared Inquiry Learning Center Grades K–8 using Junior Great Books® Classroom materials Designed for teachers, this advanced-level asynchronous course will help you teach students how to pose better questions, identify different kinds of questions, and focus on the questions that will best help them build their understanding of the... Designed for teachers, this advanced-level asynchronous course will help you teach students how to pose better questions, identify different kinds of questions, and focus on the questions that will best help them build their understanding. Register
Implementing Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry On-Demand (#9083727211) $150.00 Shared Inquiry Learning Center Grades 2–8 using Junior Great Books® Nonfiction Inquiry materials Designed for teachers, this advanced-level asynchronous course introduces participants to the Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry materials using the Shared Inquiry™ method of reading and discussion with nonfiction texts. We strongly recommend... Designed for teachers, this advanced-level asynchronous course introduces participants to the Junior Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry materials using the Shared Inquiry™ method of reading and discussion with nonfiction texts Register
Shared Inquiry Essentials Online Training (Course #15177655889) $400.00 03/18/2025 Online Grades 6-12 This course prepares you to begin using the Great Books Foundation's Shared Inquiry method of learning through reading and discussion with students at all levels. Learn questioning strategies that keep discussions lively and focused and improve... Register
Power of Student Questions Online Training (Course #15889094574) $150.00 03/25/2025 Online Grades K-12 This advanced-level course is a two-hour live webinar and will help you teach students how to pose better questions, identify different kinds of questions, and focus on the questions that will best help them build their understanding of the selection... Register
Shared Inquiry Essentials Online Training (Course #15179336586) $400.00 04/22/2025 Online Grades K-8 with Montessori focus With a special focus on implementation in the Montessori environment, this course prepares you to begin using the Great Books Foundation’s Shared Inquiry™ method of learning through reading and discussion with students at all levels. Learn... Register
Customized Consultation Online $600.00 Our online coaching and customized consulting give teachers the personalized, specific feedback they need to become proficient in Shared Inquiry™ teaching skills. Our expert instructors will work closely with teachers to develop an ongoing... Our online coaching and customized consulting give teachers the personalized, specific feedback they need to become proficient in Shared Inquiry™ teaching skills. View Product
Customized Curriculum Development $2,000.00 Our team of curriculum developers will work with you to customize inquiry-based units—using your current materials—around the Shared Inquiry™ method of teaching and learning. Each session includes up to five hours of remote curriculum... Our team of curriculum developers will work with you to customize inquiry-based units—using your current materials—around the Shared Inquiry™ method of teaching and learning. View Product